European support to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration

Participants:EU, France, Germany, Latvia, Romania, Ukraine
Topic:EU Enlargement, Security & Peace
Summit:2nd summit - Moldova, 3rd summit - Spain
Date:1 June 2023
Type:Verbal declarations and written agreement (between UKR and ROM)
Pre-existing arrangement:EU Association Agreement and Deep and Comprehensive Trade Agreement, ongoing NATO-Ukraine Partnership arrangements

2nd summit – Moldova

During his speech at the 2nd EPC summit, President Zelenskyy mentioned that Moldova and Ukraine require interim security guarantees. France and Germany agreed to meet later that week to discuss the possibilities. At the time, it was expected that both countries will receive more clarity regarding their security prospects at the next NATO Summit in Vilnius.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis signed a declaration on Romania’s support for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU at the second summit. This was followed on 6 June 2023 by a Bucharest Nine Summit statement reaffirming their collective support for Ukraine’s aspirations for NATO membership. In addition, the parties agreed to continue cooperation to further strengthen NATO support to other countries in the region, including Georgia and Moldova. 

During the second summit, European Council President Charles Michel made the expected announcement that he will put EU enlargement to Ukraine and Moldova on the agenda of EU leaders before the end of 2023 after the Commission presents its progress reports.

3rd summit – Spain

Latvia and Romania in particular reiterated their support for Ukraine’s accession to the EU at the third EPC summit, with a decision expected by the end of 2023 on whether or not to open accession negotiations.
