UK-Slovenia initiative to tackle organized crime and irregular migration

Participants:Slovenia, UK
Topic:Justice & Home Affairs
Summit:4th summit - United Kingdom
Date:18 July 2024
Type:Written statement
Pre-existing arrangement:2022 United Kingdom and Slovenia Joint Statement of Intent

On July 18th, building on the 2022 United Kingdom and Slovenia Joint Statement of Intent which describes the countries’ close cooperation in the areas of foreign and security policy, economic cooperation and science, education and culture, the United Kingdom and Slovenia affirmed the importance of a shared approach to preventing and fighting terrorism, serious and organised crime, including irregular  migration, and other cross-border crime. They agreed to  work together to fight organised crime by through a four point plan by:

  • Sharing strategic level analysis and expertise through regular information exchanges to analyse emerging risks and share methods and techniques to mitigate them;
  • Strengthening real time law enforcement and law enforcement information sharing, including with prosecutors, through new and existing communication channels to prevent, disrupt and address cross-border threats;  
  • Jointly identifying and working together to close the gaps that organised criminal groups can exploit;
  • Fostering effective cooperation in justice matters between the UK and Slovenia.
